Through engaged learning experiences, IU Indianapolis students solve problems, demonstrate creativity, and make meaningful contributions to their communities. The ePortfolio Showcase highlights this work.
Engaged Learning & ePortfolio Showcase
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726 results found
Elizabeth Vela Aca ePortfolio
This ePortfolio is created to show an introduction about myself and goals I have for my future career.
Keifer Miller ePortfolio Major And Career Goals Page
This page primarily discusses what major I'm currently pursuing and how I'll eventually use that in determining what I'd like to do as a future career. It also showcases a few examples of works I've done and highlights a few of my goals and what insp ...
Paige Laffoon ePortfolio
Demian Martinez ePortfolio
Aleesa Scott Major and Career Goals
Rayana Souleymane ePortfolio
Lulia M Kiflu ePortfolio
Kim Hribal ePortfolio
This is a site that highlights my experiences at IU as a student, and reflects the experiences I have had as a student and how I will use them in my future and professional life.
Nabeel ePortfolio
ePortfolio First Semester Expierence
ePortfolio documenting my first semester and high school experiences