
Engaged Learning & ePortfolio Showcase

Through engaged learning experiences, IU Indianapolis students solve problems, demonstrate creativity, and make meaningful contributions to their communities. The ePortfolio Showcase highlights this work.

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726 results found

Mumtaaz Hassan ePortfolio

Mumtaaz Hassan
B.S.N. Nursing
2023 Showcase

Dylan Roelfs

Dylan Roelfs
B.S. Computer Engineering Technology
2023 Showcase

Patrick Curry ePortfolio

Patrick Curry
B.S.B. Business
2023 Showcase

Personal portfolio highlighting strengths and resume

Austin Wells ePortfolio

Austin Wells
B.S.B. Business
2023 Showcase

My ePortfolio is about my first semester at IUPUI and what I have done throughout the semester.

Sutherlyn Banker ePortfolio

Sutherlyn Banker
2023 Showcase

Megan Gardner's ePortfolio

Megan Gardner, Megan Gardner
B.S. Exercise Science
2023 Showcase

Brady Lombardo ePortfolio

Brady Lombardo
Ph.D. Exercise Science
2023 Showcase

Bailey Lopez's ePortfolio

Bailey Lopez
B.S.N. Nursing
2023 Showcase

Hello, my name is Bailey Lopez. I am a college student at IUPU pursuing a Bachelor's degree in nursing. Currently, I work as a CNA at a nursing home to gain more experience in the field. I have created this e-portfolio to showcase my skills, experien ...

Shannon Ott ePortfolio

Shannon Ott
B.S. Psychology
2023 Showcase

This ePortfolio is all about me and my journey and experiences so far at IUPUI during my first semester.

Emily Tobin ePortfolio

Emily Tobin
B.S.Ch. Chemistry
2023 Showcase

On this first page, you will learn more about myself, my experiences, and why I chose IUPUI.

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