Get Help – ePortfolio Studio

Description of the video:

[MUSIC PLAYING] DILLON POLLEY: Hello, and welcome to the ePortfolio Studio. I'm Dillon.

SOPHIE CARRISON: I'm Sophie, and we're ePortfolio Studio consultants.

DILLON POLLEY: We're here to help you with all of your ePortfolio needs.

SOPHIE CARRISON: At the ePortfolio Studio, we help students build their ePortfolio from scratch if they don't have one.

DILLON POLLEY: We also help students with ePortfolio class assignments, who just want advice on what they've created.

SOPHIE CARRISON: We also see students who want to update their ePortfolio, and talk through what to add, and how to organize, and design their pages.

DILLON POLLEY: If you need help organizing or just some general feedback on your ePortfolio design, come and see us.

SOPHIE CARRISON: Let's take a closer look at the space. This is where you will come in for drop-in hours or any in-person appointment that you schedule.

DILLON POLLEY: We also offer online appointments and asynchronous help, where you can send us your ePortfolio link, and we will send you written or video feedback by email.

SOPHIE CARRISON: See us at the ePortfolio Studio whenever you have any questions or need help with your ePortfolio.

Asynchronous ePortfolio review

Would you like feedback on your ePortfolio but don’t have time to meet?  A peer ePortfolio consultant can provide you asynchronous feedback.  Submit your ePortfolio link and questions. Then, we’ll send you an email with feedback from a peer consultant.

Request feedback

Eportfolio studio employee working on their eportfolio
eportfolio employee showing example exportfolio
Eportfolio logo design on wall

Meet your ePortfolio consultants

Sophie Carrison

headshot of Sophie Carrison wearing a yellow shirt

Undergraduate Major: Biology, with minor in Health Psychology

Graduate School Program: IU Doctor of Physical Therapy

Why I like being an ePortfolio consultant: I'm excited to be on the ePortfolio consultant team to help others bolster their own profiles, whether that be for academic, career, or personal growth. I focus on building my own ePortfolio as a more interactive and expansive version of my resume where I can showcase more experiences that aren't included on my professional resume. Aside from ePortfolio, I like to crochet and I play on a recreational soccer team on campus!

Sophie’s ePortfolio


Deepak Giri

Deepak Giri's headshot

Major: Human-Computer Interaction

Why I like being an ePortfolio consultant: Working in the ePortfolio division is an absolute joy for me, especially given my industrial exposure in user experience design. One of the key reasons I am drawn to the ePortfolio division is the opportunity it provides to work closely with individuals' professional journeys. By leveraging my UX expertise, I hope to provide pertinent guidance to shape your portfolio. Apart from ePortfolio, I do informatics research with multiple faculties at the Luddy School of Informatics and Computing.

Olivia Bradford

Bradford Olivia's headshot

Major: Human-Computer Interaction, Graduate Program, Luddy School of Informatics

Why I like being an ePortfolio consultant: Being an ePortfolio consultant is a rewarding opportunity to assist others in highlighting their academic, professional, and extra-curricular achievements. Witnessing students' growth and confidence through ePortfolios, regardless of their level of experience, is truly exciting. My ePortfolio serves as a professional showcase of my projects and relevant professional experiences. It provides a creative digital platform through which I can show my personality, which is not easily accomplished with a traditional resume format. Outside of the ePortfolio Studio, I'm active in psychology research on campus and assist in the Media, Arts, & Science department.

Michael Peck

Michael Peck's headshot

Major: Psychology with a minor in Data Science

Why I like being an ePortfolio consultant: Why I like being an ePortfolio consultant: My experience with ePortfolios has been wildly transformative for me, as the process of building ePortfolios has allowed me to reflect and grow as an academic, professional, and person. I look forward to being able to help others work with the ePortfolio medium to effectively display and reflect on their experiences and achievements. Outside of the ePortfolio studio I am an honors college mentor, tutor at the MAC, and a movie fanatic.

Need technical help?

If at any time you need technical assistance in using Google Sites, you have access to the following resource through UITS: