Professional Development

Professional Development

The IU Indianapolis ePortfolio program offers professional development open to all faculty and staff from any IU campus. All who are involved in ePortfolio work or interested in learning about ePortfolio in undergraduate, graduate, professional, or co-curricular programs are welcome.


Are you interested in beginning or expanding your ePortfolio practices? To schedule a consultation, please email

Classroom Kickoff

Interested in having us visit your classroom for 15-30 minutes to introduce and kickoff ePortfolios? Sign up for a Classroom Kickoff!

ePortfolio Kickoff Request Form

ePortfolio Community of Practice

The ePortfolio Community of Practice is a group of ePortfolio practitioners who meet online regularly throughout the academic year to learn together and deepen their practice. Each ePortfolio Community of Practice meeting is focused on an ePortfolio topic, issue, or activity, and may include guest speakers from within or outside IU.

All faculty and staff from any IU campus who use ePortfolio in their work or are interested in learning about ePortfolio in undergraduate, graduate, professional, or co-curricular programs are welcome.  Simply attend any meeting to join the community. Register using the event links below to receive the meeting URL.

Have a suggested topic or guest for an ePortfolio Community of Practice meeting? Let us know! Email your ideas to

See the schedule of events on the Institute for Engaged Learning’s Events site.

Upcoming Events

All faculty and staff from any IU campus are welcome at ePortfolio professional development events.

Join the ePortfolio Listserv

Interested in hearing about opportunities for ePortfolio throughout the year? Join the ePortfolio Listserv. 

Sign-up now