
Engaged Learning & ePortfolio Showcase

Through engaged learning experiences, IU Indianapolis students solve problems, demonstrate creativity, and make meaningful contributions to their communities. The ePortfolio Showcase highlights this work.

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726 results found

IUSON Health Policy Academy

Upamanyu Mondal
M.S. Health Informatics
2023 Showcase

The mission of the IUSON Health Policy Academy is to serve as a facilitator for health policy education, mentorship, and leadership. To achieve this mission, the Health Policy Academy will lead individual and overall Academy health policy initiatives ...

Parth Chaubey's ePortfolio

Parth Chaubey
M.A. Museum Studies
2023 Showcase

The primary purpose of this project is to create a detailed studies of the heritage of Indiana Avenue and the Old southside Neighborhood, Indianapolis. My responsibility in this project is to gather as much statistical and archival data as possible s ...


Nicholis Theis
B.S. Exercise Science
2023 Showcase

During the project/service learning opportunity, I had the privilege of training an IU faculty member. During the spring semester of 2023, the IU staff member and I worked on their personal Fitness goals. During this time I designed weekly plans for ...

Higher Education for All: Building a Prison-to-College Pipeline

Meghan Meadows
M.A. Applied Anthropology and M.P.H. Social & Behavioral Science
2023 Showcase

The benefits of access to higher education for people with justice-involvement are well-documented. Benefits include: encouraging greater civic participation, providing better economic opportunities, and offering the opportunity to create supportive ...

Analyzing and Presenting Data from a Three Pillars Initiative New Youth Philanthropy Model Research Study

Minette Lambert
B.S. Psychology
2023 Showcase

While working in this program, I have analyzed and prepared data for presentation from a large study researching a new model for encouraging youth in to be involved in philanthropic extracurriculars. This study was done with the Three Pillars Initiat ...

INShape Personal Training Internship

Rileigh Marshall
B.S. Exercise Science
2023 Showcase

Helping students with involvement with on campus Stewardship

Nita Jaurequi
B.S.E.S. Environmental Science
2023 Showcase

My job as a CEA with the Center for Earth and Environmental Science (CEES) is to help with Service learning projects which is our on campus stewardship opportunities that CEES provides at IUPUI. I help the students at IUPUI better understand environm ...

Emily Hook-Capstone In Biology

Emily Hook
B.S. Biology
2023 Showcase

I created my ePortfolio for my Capstone project. In my ePortfolio you will learn about my interest in optometry, my experience working at Indiana Eye Doctors, and my academic development from my time at IUPUI. I also included my research on hydroxych ...

CEA Video Introduction: 2023 Housing Policy Brief

Hannah Mullin
M.S.W. Social Work
2023 Showcase

As a CEA, I was able to co-lead the writing of a policy brief that related to the 2023 Indiana General Assembly Legislative Session. I worked with a partner to write a brief that followed a bill and detailed homelessness across Indiana. We analyzed t ...

Quora Neff Biology Capstone Project

Quora Neff
B.A. Biology and B.A. Medical Sociology
2023 Showcase

This ePortfolio discusses my journey as an undergraduate biology student at IUPUI and the discovery of my passion to pursue optometry. I discuss my experience working at an optometrist's office and research concerning myopia management and the preval ...

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