
Engaged Learning & ePortfolio Showcase

Through engaged learning experiences, IU Indianapolis students solve problems, demonstrate creativity, and make meaningful contributions to their communities. The ePortfolio Showcase highlights this work.

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726 results found

CEA: Mothers on the Rise

Michael Peck
B.S. Psychology
2023 Showcase

Mothers on the Rise is an organization founded under the Fairbanks School of Public Health's Grassroots Maternal Child Health Initiative. Mothers on the Rise works to support incarcerated mothers as they transition out of incarceration, with the goal ...

Philanthropy Teaching Assistant

Sydney Short
B.A. Global & International Studies
2023 Showcase

For my term as a Community Engagement Associate, I functioned as a teaching assistant for the class Giving and Volunteering in America taught through the Lilly Family School of Philanthropy. I guided students through their service learning projects, ...

CEA Project - Clinic Video Collage

Emerson Taylor
B.S. Exercise Science
2023 Showcase

I created 4 videos (2 videos for each clinic) that shows “Clients of the Week” as well as just a video collage over the entire semester. The first clinic is the Motor Activity that occurs on Saturday's and the Ability Fitness Clinic that occurs on Tu ...

Pirtle CEA Showcase

Sophie Pirtle
B.S.W. Social Work
2023 Showcase

CRISP Community Engagement Associate

Cheyenne Morris
B.S.P.A. Sustainability Practice and Policy
2023 Showcase

This ePortfolio highlights my personal background while discussing my policy brief and key learnings at CRISP>

Veronica Strange - About Me

Veronica Strange
B.S. Media Arts & Science
2023 Showcase

ePortfolio about my interest and career as well as what I have gained from being part of the CEA program.

CEA Jayla Windon

Jayla Windon
B.A. Anthropology
2023 Showcase

Philanthropy Teaching Assistant

Sydney Short
B.A. Global & International Studies
2023 Showcase

For my term as a Community Engagement Associate, I functioned as a teaching assistant for the class Giving and Volunteering in America taught through the Lilly Family School of Philanthropy. I guided students through their service learning projects, ...

Community Engagement Associate

Kayla McVeigh
B.A. English
2023 Showcase

Working to build more reciprocal relationships with local religious communities.

Madeline Griem's CEA Portfolio

Madeline Griem
M.A. Museum Studies
2023 Showcase

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