Through engaged learning experiences, IU Indianapolis students solve problems, demonstrate creativity, and make meaningful contributions to their communities. The ePortfolio Showcase highlights this work.
Engaged Learning & ePortfolio Showcase
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726 results found
Important of Public Health Monitoring
This project will discuss the lack of treatment and monitoring within the topic of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and how or why public health monitoring should be implemented within this field of research.
Treatments Trials and Tribulations
The following ePortfolio deals with a project about sickle cell anemia
A Dive Into Psychology: Sleep and the brain
The following ePortfolio is a dive into the science behind sleep.
Prevention and Treatment of Fatal Neurodegenerative Diseases
This website covers information about how dementia and ALS form. There are discussions of how these diseases can be treated if there is a treatment. The website also discusses different preventative measures that can be taken to stop these diseases f ...
Prevention and Treatment of Fatal Neurodegenerative Diseases
This ePortfolio covers the prevention and treatment of fatal neurdegenerative diseases.
Alternative Animal Models and Ethical Considerations: Zebrafish Model
The following website will discuss a series of comparisons between how different alternative models may be used in experimentation instead of animals and presenting how alternative models, such as zebrafish, are used in a more ethical way.
The Impact of Bees and Biodiesel
This ePortfolio explores the environmental impact of bees and biodiesel.
Decreasing Pain and Injury in Young Adults
This ePortfolio is about decreasing pain and injury in young adults.
P410 Clinic Report
all about the client that I worked with over the semester, diving deeper into his personality, traits and how to best work with him in the future semesters.
My Personal E-Portfolio In Physical Education
My Personal E-Portfolio In Physical Education