
Engaged Learning & ePortfolio Showcase

Through engaged learning experiences, IU Indianapolis students solve problems, demonstrate creativity, and make meaningful contributions to their communities. The ePortfolio Showcase highlights this work.

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202 results found

Retrospective chart review of pediatric patients with established T1D or T2D who have had DKA or HHS in 2022

Shagunpreet Kaur
Biomedical Engineering
2023 Showcase

My project showcases trends that were seen in diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) relating to diabetes. When the body doesn't produce enough insulin to let blood sugar enter the cells for use as energy, DKA begins to develop. Instead, the liver converts fat ...

LEADS - Longitudinal Early onset Alzheimer's Disease Study

Shelbee Ohneck
2023 Showcase

At LEADS internship we study the development of early onset Alzheimer's disease. This population of individuals has many unknown factors about what causes EOAD in one's lifetime, and LEADS works to solve that. As a nationally known study, LEADS site ...

Epigenetic Basis of Perfusion Deficit in Diabetic Ischemic Tissue

Harsimran Kaur
2023 Showcase

As part of the Indiana Center for Regenerative Medicine and Engineering (ICRME) laboratory, our team is focused on developing novel strategies to improve perfusion in diabetic ischemic tissue. This project specifically aims to enhance wound recovery ...

Kids Healthcast (Podcast)

Sophia Brooks
2023 Showcase

Kids Healthcast covers child-focused health topics that parents, teachers, caregivers, and anyone else who works with children might be interested in through a monthly 20 to 30 minute podcast. And what does it include? It is recorded by pediatricians ...

Babies, Bumps, and Books: Seeking to Understand Parent Experiences about Reading to their Children Before They are Born

Valliei Chandrakumar
2023 Showcase

The Reach Out and Read (ROR) program encourages parents to read aloud to their children to promote literacy development. We found that there is no research around parents reading to babies before they are born. There is a ROR program at Riley Fetal C ...

Understanding the Challenges of Primary Care

Yamana Uno
B.S. Neuroscience and M.S. Biomedical Engineering
2023 Showcase

Healthcare worker wellness includes a balance of psychological, social, and physical aspects of an individual's life. The COVID-19 pandemic is one of the relevant challenges highlighted in my literature review. My personal experiences shadowing famil ...

Epigenetic Basis of Perfusion Deficit in Diabetic Ischemic Tissue

Yashal Butt
Biomedical Engineering
2023 Showcase

The research focus of Dr. Singh's laboratory is to understand mechanisms underlying secondary complications of diabetes. The vascular system provides organs and tissues the necessary nutrients to relay their functions. The skewed gene-environment int ...

Participation in the Breast Tissue Collection Event

Yoselin Fonseca
Biomedical Engineering
2023 Showcase

“An end to breast cancer through thinking, sharing, and understanding normal.” The Komen Tissue Bank (KTB) is the only repository in the world that collects normal breast tissue, matched serum, and plasma for researchers to use as their control varia ...

LHSI ePortfolio: Yasmein Ali

Yasmein Ali
2022 Showcase

My ePortfolio contains a summary of the work I have accomplished while interning with Dr. Leslie Hulvershorn through the LHSI program. During this program I worked alongside respected professionals to analyze adolescent substance use disorders and th ...

Success in Writing your Research Manuscript

Melissa Thomas
Professional and Public Writing, Community Health
2022 Showcase

The most important part of scientific research– beyond the data and the implications of a breakthrough finding– is disseminating your results. The goal of my project through LHSI was to operationalize my internship in manuscript writing by producing ...

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